Friday 18 March 2011

Science Is Vital (UK)

I'm writing today on behalf of Science Is Vital to urge you to take advantage of a crucial opportunity to express your concerns about the state of UK science funding. Parliament needs to know your views - and with one simple letter, you can make your voice heard and have a real effect on our science.
It's been half a year since the Autumn Spending Review when your support helped protect the science budget from savage cuts. The outcome was a four year cash freeze for the science budget, but of course, with inflation this still means at least a worrying 10% real-terms cut in science funding. As these austerity measures begin to kick in, Parliament needs to know how the squeeze on science funding is affecting science at the coal face - and is likely to affect it in future.

Science and Technology Committee

The Science and Technology Committee has invited representations from the wider scientific community and other interested parties on the future impact of the budget allocations (2011/12 through to 2014/15). Perhaps your research department is making staff redundant, has instituted a hiring freeze or has decided not to purchase a key piece of equipment. Maybe the cuts have not yet started to bite, but your institute is worried about what will happen in a year’s time. Maybe you’re a patient or caregiver, concerned about specific or threatened reductions to funding for the disease that you’re fighting. Whatever adverse effects are happening or are feared for the future, be they large or small, Parliament would like to know. The eventual report may influence funding body policies in the next four years and, critically, will make clear to politicians the extent of the damage caused by cuts in funding. It will also help persuade them to re-invest in science in the next spending review as the economy recovers.
Most of the responses to these sort of enquiries come from senior scientists and science institutions. The voice of grass-roots researchers is often absent. Science is Vital believes it's time that the voice of scientists at the coalface is heard.

Submit evidence

Please take this important opportunity to set the record straight. You have until 27 April to make a written submission. To help you, we have assembled a handy one-stop web page that will direct you to:
- relevant background reading
- oral evidence already given 
- guidelines on how to format your evidence
- where it should be sent

The testimony needn’t be long or complex or take up too much of your valuable time – it can be as brief as you like – so we urge you to have a look and consider taking part. You can participate as an individual, or alternatively your laboratory, department or organization can consider making a joint statement with a number of signatories.
It’s important for the government to realize that we are watching what they do and that we are aiming to keep this issue as high as we can on the political agenda. Speaking with a unified voice, I strongly believe that we can make a difference to our future scientific and economic health. So please, take a look at our website, roll up your sleeves and play your part.
Best wishes,
Dr Jennifer Rohn
Chair, Science is Vital

Copyright © 2011 Science Is Vital Campaign, All rights reserved. 
Our mailing address is: 
Science Is Vital Campaign
c/o Gallomanor
31 Silver Street
Bradford on AvonWiltshire BA15 1JX

1 comment:

  1. Funny how successive UK governments don't see science or technology as a high priority. Funny how they are willing to cut or freeze funding for science and technology.

    And yet there is "enough money" to bomb other countries, give the bankers £850 billion of free handouts, or to spend on Trident?

    Seems like successive governments since Thatcher are only interested in helping their cronies in banking, defence, and in the media.
