Monday 21 March 2011

The mouse that roared

Do you value the future health and wellbeing of yourself, your children, your grandchildren and your country? Please read this and send it on to anyone and everyone who is important in your life. 
Jenny Drew, Dunedin, 17 March 2011

On Tuesday 8th March 2011 the New Zealand Royal Society held a conference in Wellington to discuss “The Implications of Geo-engineering Schemes for New Zealand” as a means of combating global warming. Several options were discussed but the majority vote was for aerosol spraying from aircraft of tonnes of aluminium, barium oxide, fluoride and other toxic chemicals on a regular and frequent basis. This layer of fine metal particles in the atmosphere will supposedly help reflect back the sun's rays, thus contributing to cooling of the earth. Obviously much of the spray contents will eventually reach the earth by freefall or in rain.

The scientists agreed that the effects this spraying might have on humans and the environment are NOT KNOWN at this stage.

The conference will recommend to the government that aerosol spraying be introduced and that New Zealand will lead the world in this pilot scheme.

Excuse me - did they say 'pilot scheme'? This kind of aerosol spraying (often known as chemtrails) has been done covertly for at least two years in New Zealand, particularly over the upper part of the South Island and over Northland. 

People living in these areas may have noticed jet streams that don't dissipate as normal condensation trails (contrails) do, but spread out over the next hour or so to form fine cirrus-type cloud before forming a murky hazy area of cloud cover. Metals in the atmosphere often cause rainbow colours around the edges or in the middle of clouds, and may leave a coloured circle around the sun or moon. Noticed these? There may also be odd-shaped clouds. Take a look up - become a sky-watcher! 

This aerosol spraying is definitely NOT confined to New Zealand. Large areas of the USA, UK, Western Europe and Australia are regularly and heavily sprayed, and have been for many years now. Levels of toxicity (particularly aluminium) in the soils and rainwater, especially in the US are many times above recommended safe levels; legal action is now being taken by awareness groups in the US. Alzheimer’s, which is strongly linked to aluminium, is endemic, and respiratory problems have increased dramatically. Fish, bees and birds have been dying in huge numbers. It is scary to note that Monsanto, the giant US corporation, is now producing aluminium-resistant seed. 

Is this what we want for ourselves, our beautiful country, and especially our children and grand-children?
Our government is currently under extreme pressure from powerful international forces to officially introduce aerosol spraying in our skies.

Back in the '80s New Zealand was dubbed 'THE MOUSE THAT ROARED' when we said a resounding 'NO' to nuclear products entering our country. We must say 'NO' again, loudly and clearly.
As a people concerned for our own future and that of our children, we must become better informed to pull together and fight against this gross contamination of our country. Deliberate aerosol spraying, whatever the intention, is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and must be stopped – somehow. 

What can we do? 
1. Email this to everyone on your mailing list, and ask them to do the same – it is essential that as many New Zealanders as possible know about this even before it gets pushed through parliament.
2. Email this to your local MP.
3. Watch for any news in the media – if or when it appears it will come heavily disguised as good works – e.g. something positive NZ is doing as world leaders in the battle against global warming.
4. Write letters to the newspapers and see if they are published (unlikely, as this has been a hushed-up subject for years, but try). Call in to your talk-back radio.
5. Talk about it amongst your friends.
6. Start a petition to parliament.
7. Bring it to the attention of schools, kindergartens, churches, work places, discuss it in meetings.
8. Increase your own knowledge about this issue - it is very important. Read about it on the internet and learn more for yourself. Watch the short PowerPoint presentation - no sound is needed: 
9. Watch the DVD “What in the World are they Spraying?” 
(or email for a copy you can use on your television - small p&p cost only)

Further links:

Chemtrails causing Illness in New Zealand's beautiful Marlborough

9. Optional: if you are in support of a ban on stratospheric aerosol spraying, please add your name before sending this on to others. If you only want to add your name and not send to others, we thank you and could you please return this to Jenny. If you are No. 25, 50, etc. please also return the email to . to give an idea of numbers and how far this information has spread. 

Note: This is not an official petition - these names will not be given to any authority. 

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