Tuesday, 18 February 2025

You're MORE POWERFUL Than You Think According to Quantum Physics! | Gregg Braden

Discover the science behind consciousness, manifestation, and healing, and how quantum physics proves you’re more powerful than you think. Learn the secrets of the placebo effect, heart intelligence, and the Matrix illusion!"


Article from Global Research:

Saturday, 1 February 2025

 The Importance of Copper. 

 From Dr Lee Merritt

This is how it is done. This is how we take back our PHYSICAL SOVEREIGNTY.  Don’t run around doing mainstream medicine. It’s dead to me. They have been 180 degrees wrong on everything— like the need for copper. Think about root causes. There are not 70,000 diseases as the ICD11 ( International Code of Diseases) would have you believe. So far I’ve concluded there are less than 7 things:

1) Toxins ( Poisoning from food, water, medicines, hand sanitizer (the alcohols in that crap are more toxic to your liver than Vodka), other “disinfectants, deodorants, fertilizers, heavy metals, weaponized spraying etc.

2) Parasites

3) EMF

4) Psychological weapons

5) Vitamin, Mineral, protein, and other deficiencies ( Did you know more British Sailors in the age of sail died of scurvy from lack of Vitamin C than from enemy action?). And copper that has been demonized for so long is one of our big deficiencies. 

6) Physical decay from inactivity

7) Lack of sunlight

Of course spiritual disconnection is central to everything.