Friday 3 December 2010

Dr Vandana Shiva receives Sydney Peace Prize

Vandana Shiva : Sydney Peace Prize Talk from WisdomKeepers Productions on Vimeo.

Dr Shiva is the woman behind the movement Navdanya, a network of seed keepers and organic producers spreading across 16 states in India. The movement taught 500 000 farmers how to produce food organically, sustainably, preserving crop biodiversity. It has created awareness on the dangers of genetic engineering, defended ancient Indian plants (like neem, basmati and haldi) from biopiracy- from the likes of Monsanto which is in a mad rush of patenting seeds and other food sources in order to control the world's food supply.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, fully deserved too.

    Ancient plants such as neem, basmati, and haldi must be protected.

    No foodstuffs should ever be patented. Living things in general should never ever be patented.
