Thursday 2 December 2010

The case against fluoride

Excerpts from the article:
"Confronting the Myths of Water Fluoridation Promoters" on

"The chemicals used in most fluoridation programs are either hexafluorosilicic acid or its sodium salt, and those silicon fluorides do not occur in nature. What is more, under international law they cannot be dumped into the sea, yet a dilution of about 180,000 to 1 is supposed to protect against all harm when the same chemicals are added to the domestic water supply. Yet the language used in a recent Q&A pamphlet from the Victoria (Australia) Department of Human Services in an effort to persuade citizens that the chemicals used in fluoridation are not hazardous waste products of the fertilizer industry."

"Many of the major associations on the list frequently cited by the American Dental Association endorsed fluoridation before a single trial had been completed and before the first health study had been published, in 1954." 
In other words, the public is medicated on a large scale without a single trial or scientific research about the safety of water fluoridation.

"Many highly qualified doctors, dentists, and scientists have opposed fluoridation in the past and do so today. Currently, over 3,000 individuals from medicine, dentistry, science, and other relevant professions are calling for an end to fluoridation worldwide."

To read the full article, please click here.

Truth-out's article is based on the book:
"The Case Against Fluoride"
by Paul Connett, PhD; James Beck, PhD; and H. S. Micklem, DPhil (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2010).

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