Monday 20 June 2011

More moms give birth at home

Homebirths are on the rise -- and the mainstream couldn't be more terrified. 

New numbers show homebirths shot up by 20 percent between 2004 and 2008 -- with 27 states showing increases and only four with declines. 

Add it all up, and homebirths are enjoying a genuine renaissance -- reaching a peak not seen in 20 years. 

And by every indication, they're going to continue to rise, which has obstetricians and gynecologists absolutely livid. After all, this homebirth trend represents B I G risk. No, not to moms or their babies -- it's a risk to doctors' bank accounts! 

These guys only get paid when they deliver a baby -- and most of them will only deliver a baby in a hospital. So when a woman gives birth at home, it's usually done with a midwife -- not a doctor. 

And that's the REAL reason these docs are so dead-set against home births. 

In reality, having a baby at home is a lot more comfortable than giving birth in a hospital. And despite what you've heard, it might even be safer. 

Drug-resistant superbugs such as MRSA have been turning hospitals into their own private playgrounds -- and they represent a real threat to anyone who sets foot in one, especially moms and infants. 

I haven't seen any recent studies on how frequently newborns are infected in maternity wards and neonatal units, but I've seen enough news reports to know the problem is very real -- and it's about time researchers looked into this. 

I won't say that makes homebirth right for everyone -- there are definite advantages to having the technology of a hospital and a team of doctors at your disposal. 

But if you're in a low-risk pregnancy and you want to give birth in the comfort and cleanliness of your own home, don't let anyone bully you. 

It's your baby -- and your right. 

Special delivery, 

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D. 

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