Monday 30 May 2011

Dying to have known - The Gerson Therapy

Related post:
Interview with Charlotte Gerson

1 comment:

  1. Gershon Therapy sounds great. This definitely destroys cancer (which is the body's last ditch attempt to fix itself despite missing a few key nutrients). This must be preserved, and people have the right to know about this therapy.

    As for "conventional medicine", I'm sorry, but Big Pharma sponsored so-called "science" is just being really dogmatic, and in the name of science, are rejecting a perfectly valid therapy, which most importantly works without any side effects. Which cannot be said about chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc - which are just really toxic.

    But then again, since when are the turkeys (i.e. Big Pharma and conventional medicine) going to vote for their Christmas.

    That said, it is still best to have a healthy and active lifestyle with lots of exercise and top quality organic local food. This will prevent cancer and other chronic illnesses.
