Saturday 12 February 2011

How the Conservative Party destroyed Britain

By Enrico A Stennett

On looking at the New Year celebrations of all the English speaking countries those in the order of importance, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Britain.  The spectacular fireworks which lit the skies of these countries in the celebration of the birth of the New Year. 

I could not help looking back at the birth of the year of 2001 the beginning of the present decade, with the hopes and aspirations which we thought would have changed the course of life for the better for humankind as a whole, especially the British Working Classes. 
In 1997 we had just seen off 18 years of a Conservative Government which slowly destroyed the Industrial base of England.  We saw the disappearance of the Coal Industry where we witnessed the state of affairs which leaves one to wonder how one woman could turn brothers against brother, fathers against son, and wives against husband, this did happen.
We saw the destruction of the Steel Industry where one by one the Steel Furnaces were closing down leaving thousands of people unemployed, while new steel factories were established in India, Korea and Taiwan, the jobs were taken from the workers of this country, and moved overseas for cheap labour. 
We saw the privatisation of the Railways where the Trains were sold to one section of private enterprise, while the tracks were sold to another.  We saw the death of the Car Industry where the Car Factories were sold one by one to foreign investment leaving the workers without a means of earning a livelihood. 

Even one of the most important industries we had the Rolls Royce Manufacturers of  Aeroplane Engines and Cars was sold to the highest bidder, when all of these industries disappeared so did the livelihood of the people. The Miners strike was the most potent of all, hatred gripped the country, and all the other industries which were sold had their Trade Unions purposely destroyed. 
The destruction of the Trade Unions was twofold,  one to destroy the unity of the people the other to destroy the Labour party, the Tory party knew it was the Trade Union membership which supported the Working Class movement which was the Labour Party, without Trade Unions, the Labour Party was doomed. 

The Working Class people were convinced by the Tories of the need to enter the European Common Market, the then President of  France General de Gaulle was against Britain joining, knowing that Britain would want to take over the leadership of the Common Market and in their eagerness to convince the British people of the need to enter this market, all English workers were told joining the Common Market would be good for them,  we would be able to travel and work in any part of Europe where there was membership of the Common Market to work freely.  They did not tell the people it was important for them to speak any foreign language. 

While the people of Europe had already come to England to learn to speak English just after the War ended, we were not equipped to go to their countries because we only spoke English. 
Against the wishes of the British Workers we found ourselves Europeans.  The difference was the people of Europe such as France, Germany, and all the other leading countries had their industries intact, while ours became depleted year after year, until nothing was left. 
Unemployment was rife among the working classes, while the leader of the Tory party on seeing the dissipation of her popularity decided to take us into a War, as Tories always do, they cannot govern unless there is a War.  The sinking of the Belgrano on 2nd May 1982 was unjustified, we were told the Prime Minister knew the Belgrano was not a threat to us because it was steaming away from the Falklands but the order was given to sink her nonetheless

As a people who enjoy the power of War the support of the Tory party grew day by day, as hundreds of British and Argentinean men were killed just to strengthen her popularity.  The working classes of Britain gained nothing from the War but of course they never did, only the rich and powerful, those who made the bombs the guns and ammunition and those who wanted prestige which fighting a War gives, they are the gainers of any War financially and otherwise. 
In the heights of the recession the industries which were left became computerised, where we were told that one machine could do the work of 10 men, the working classes were assured this would be good for them..   They would be able to keep their jobs while at the same time working shorter hours for higher wages.  There was talk that we should be looking at ways and means to spend our leisure time and were even encouraged to join clubs and other facilities where we would keep ourselves healthy. 

The workers knew this was a pack of lies, they knew there was no way a Tory administration would tolerate people working shorter hours and earnings more money, the Labour movement knew fully well the Tory party thought more of profit for the rich and powerful, than a decent wage for the majority of the working people. 
Margaret Thatcher was removed from office in disgrace, still the right wing media of today sing her praises and keep wishing we have another Margaret Thatcher as our Prime Minister. 
It was the era of the Yuppies where the Stock Exchange was King, where we were told it is good to be greedy, greed was good because through greed, we make progress.   This was when the greed which consumes us today was born.


  1. Thatcher really was a disaster for the UK. How was she was voted in three times? (Answer: thanks to an undemocratic voting system - plus the Labour and Liberal/SDP vote was split) On one occasion the Tories won and Thatcher became PM with just 29% of the vote?

    And the Falklands war was an unnecessary waste of lives and money, just so she could get re-elected?

    She took on the miners, just to spite Labour? to spite the trade unions?

    Her government eroded the rights of workers to strike, and the rights of workers in general, and for what? to please her cronies?

    Her government allowed Rupert Murdoch to take over the Times, despite the fact that this meant Murdoch would control a lot of the UK's newspaper media. And when the workers at Wapping went on strike, the strikes were broken up. Could there be a connection between Thatcher and Rupert Murdoch in this strike busting?

    Even worse, Blair, Brown, and Cameron have carried on, or are carrying on her government's failed policies. The failed policies of privatisation, neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism, and selling off the "family jewels" to the highest bidder (even from outside the country).

    Those who defend Thatcher and claim she saved Britain, I'm sorry but they are either deluding themselves or are members of the Conservative party. There is now not much British manufacturing or industry left (apart from maybe construction) thanks to her government's
    policies, and the economy is now far too dependent on property and financial "speculation".

    Thatcher's policies really have done a lot of damage to the UK.

  2. Let us not also forget the increase in poverty (including child poverty - possibly the worst child poverty in Western Europe) and the widening of the income gap between the richest and poorest thanks to her government's policies. Some even say an underclass was created thanks to her government's policies.
