Friday, 30 September 2011

The Zeitgeist Movement: Response to "Occupy Wall Street"



On Sept 17th 2011, a grassroots expression of contempt was launched in
the heart of the world's financial center in lower Manhattan of New York
City, also commonly known to the world as the institution of "Wall
Street". As of Sept 26th, there have been over 80 arrests and many
recorded instances of what appears to be violence and abuse coming from
the police and security forces there. However, the protesters remain
vigilant in what could very well be a landmark event that will resonate
for some time to come. 

The Zeitgeist Movement would like to extend its public support to this
basic expression.

As the world awakens to a failing financial system with growing civil
unrest emerging without the bias of sovereignty, religion or political
loyalty, a new, unifying perspective is slowly taking hold which
transcends the framework many of us falsely assume as empirical to our
way of life. 

With the slow grind down of the global workforce as machine automation
continues to replace human labor for the benefit of corporate cost
efficiency, simultaneously reducing purchasing power and hence
inevitably stifling so called “Economic Growth”; with the ever 
expanding Debt Crisis born out of the Fractional Reserve Lending System
and the simple reality that money is created out of debt and sold as a
commodity in exchange for Interest - Interest that can only again come
onto existence through more loan sales; with the looming military
programs growing in virtually all major powers as the financial crisis,
coupled with a pending hydrocarbon energy crisis, begins to suggest a
stage of global conflict possibly never before seen; along with the
market psychology of Infinite Growth Consumption that continues to
pervade and distort our values and what it means to live in harmony with
nature on a finite planet... might be time we begin to see that the social problems at hand are
not specific to any general policy, administration, or even so called
"corporate greed". The real problem at hand is actually systematic via
the very core foundation of what defines our Economic System and the
psychology that is supported and rewarded.

The historical illusion that continues to this day is that someone or
some group is explicitly to "blame". Rather than focus on the 400 people
who have more wealth than 150 million in America or the fact that globally
1% of the world's population has more wealth than 40%, let's instead ask
ourselves how such a manifestation is even possible and, more critically,
why we would expect anything less? Think about it.

After all, it's the "Free-Market", isn't it? Contrary to the
statistically void efficiency assumptions made by most Market
Economists, the Free-Market simply means anyone can do whatever they
want and maximize however they want within the confines of legal
legislation; legal legislation which, make no mistake, is also for sale
in the Free-Market as well; as are political officials, regulatory
institutions and whatever social entity you wish to consider. 

Nothing but maximizing monetary gain is sacred and anytime a person or
group brings some detrimental social or environmental consequence of
this system to the forefront, pejorative distinctions are usually
branded upon their forehead to stifle such concern and frighten other
detractors – such as being called a “Socialist” or “Communist”.

Furthermore, while people in protest today across the world continue to
condemn monetary influence in social dealings such as the legal reality
of Corporate Lobbying, even using such colorful terms as "Corporatism",
“Crony-Capitalism” and even “Fascism”, they seem to misunderstand what
this system is and always has been.

The Free-Market model of Economics is a haphazard, unscientific anarchy
of organization which assumes that any person or group with
enough money and hence power will be “responsible” in their actions
both socially and environmentally. The problem is that the very
definition of being "financially responsible” actually means to be
socially and environmentally exploitative, manipulative and negligent,
for the main driver of this system is Inefficiency. The more problems in
society in general, the more jobs are created and the more rich the
upper 1% become. There is an empirical decoupling from what actually
supports life and no alteration of the core configuration of the
monetary-market Incentive will likely change that.

On a different level, this system, as an historical evolution, is
actually based on a culturally hegemonic pretense. Once economic
advantage is obtained, it will likely be kept. This is why everything in
the system favors the wealthy by its general structure and inherent
logic. While the public might complain about the fact that top Hedge Fund
Managers bring in over 300 million dollars per year, they often do not find
objection with an Interest system that rewards those with high deposits
and essentially taxes those using credit. While you may buy your home
with a loan, paying thousands in interest a year, a person of wealth can
make a CD Investment and gain free interest income simply because they have
the money to spare. 

Class separation and perpetuation and the growing wealth divide is not a
byproduct. It is inevitable. In the Free-Market, one is actually 
“free” to take away the liberty of others through the mere economic
pressures generated from the game. You are only as free as the size of
your wallet. The term “Institution Racism” was coined by civil
rights activist Stokely Carmichael in the 1960s referring to how often 
unnoticed underlying policies and structures within the social system
undermined African-American prosperity and equality. What we have today
is a mere variation: “Institutional Classicism”.

Wall Street itself, which is the ultimate manifestation of the pursuit
of money as a commodity rather than any form of true creation or social
contribution, is naturally a ripe entity for symbolic objection for, at
a minimum, it shouldn't exist at all and most certainly not have the
grand effect it does on the stability of the global economy today,
regardless of the inherent shortcomings denoted.

However, that stated, it must again be made clear that Wall Street and
the Banking System are not the source of our problems. They are only
symptoms of an Economic System which will continue to fail by the very
gravity of its outdated and false assumptions of human conduct and
environmental relationships.

The question then becomes, what do we put in its place? ~Z

The Zeitgeist Movement is a global sustainability activist group working
to bring the world together for the common goal of species
sustainability before it is too late. It is a social movement, not a
political one, with over 1100 chapters across nearly all countries.
Divisive notions such as nations, governments, races, political parties,
religions, creeds or class are non-operational distinctions in the view
of The Movement. Rather, we recognize the world as one system and the
human species as a singular unit, sharing a common habitat. Our
overarching intent could be summarized as “the application of the
scientific method for social concern.”

To learn more about our work, please visit

Friday, 23 September 2011

The Emperor's New Virus? An Analysis of the Evidence for the Existence of HIV

"The Emperor's New Virus?" is a supplementary follow-up to the award winning documentary, House of Numbers. It takes an in-depth look at the scientific evidence surrounding the existence of HIV.

Commentary by The Perth Group:

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Dr. Rima Replies to the Vaccine-Pushing, Child-Destroying Tragedy of “Standard Medicine”

By Rima E. Laibow, MD

Yes, some institute somewhere actually provided funding for this bizarre and profoundly anti-human “research” concocted to “prove” that autism is good for us! And merely a result of evolution (thus, not a result of children made toxic by mandated “medicine”). Anything to justify continuing the status quo… From the original Internet Report:

Being autistic is an advantage, according to a recently published article in the journal Evolutionary Psychology. Jared Reser, a brain science researcher and doctoral candidate in the University of Southern California Psychology Department, argues that many of the traits seen in autistic individuals including heightened abilities for concentration, spatial intelligence and memory — and even an unusual capacity for being solitary and not being dependent on the usual sorts of human social interactions — would have made someone a highly capable “hunter-gatherer” in prehistoric times.

Prostitution comes in many forms. Sometimes it is a simple sex for money, power or privilege exchange. Sometimes it is pseudoscience (often bearing the “Peer Reviewed” seal of approval) in exchange for …. what? grants? approval? promotion? job advancement.

I read about Professor Jared Reser’s “hypothesis” that autism is an evolutionary advantage, a forward movement in our collective development because autists would have made outstanding hunter-gatherers (a job description currently going pretty unused on the internet employment boards) with mounting outrage and disbelief.

Forget about the fact that it makes less than no sense that an alleged endowment to carry out a skill that we are 10s of thousands of years past could hardly be classified as an evolutionary advance or advantage.

Forget about the fact that it makes less than no sense that an alleged endowment to carry out a skill that we are 10s of thousands of years past could hardly be classified as an evolutionary advance or advantage.

Forget about the fact that self stimulation, twirling, screaming when novelty intrudes on the environment, ignoring behavioral signals and repetitive behaviors probably would not make for very good hunter-gatherer success.

Forget about the fact that an evolutionary advantage probably does not show up only in vaccinated populations in 40 years.

Just ask one simple question: who funded Jared Rese’s doctoral thesis? Who funds the professor he is writing this thesis under? Is Mr. Reser’s paper mere academic wrong-headedness or a commercial bargain wrapped up in a diploma, academic prostitution.

The larger question, of course, concerns the magnitude of harm done by normalizing tragedy, telling parents, teachers and doctors, for example, that autism is not something to prevent, fix or ameliorate, but something to “celebrate”.

I say protect, prevent, reverse, recover autists. Those whose disability and incapacity is environmentally based (e.g., vaccines, radiation, drugs both in utero and post natally) are not a forward looking “throw back”. Those whose autism, representing the 1 in 10,000 who had autism decades ago, before the vaccine schedule became a brain killer, are a different group of people although their behaviors often appear similar. They are also not nature’s way of bringing us back to the future. They are suffering beings, whose families suffer with them.

Let us understand their experience and support them and their families in their battle with this destroyer condition. But let us not celebrate the malfeasance, the crminal misdeeds of regulators, manufacturers, corrupt scholars and ill-informed doctors. Let us celebrate that we know what causes most autism. Let us celebrate that we are gathering strength to bring an end to the slaughter of the brains of innocents on an alter of lies about vaccine “efficacy”, “safety”, “necessity” and “science”.

All of these prerequisites for introducing toxins into babies bodies are lacking. Every single one. Let us celebrate the fact that more and more of us know that.

And let us celebrate the fact that we still live in a society free enough that even the rankest nonsense can receive publication and public comment, as we see in this case.

Now, my reply to the article about Jared Reser’s “idea”… offered for posting on

Let me get this straight: we poison infants and young children with injected toxins which have zero rigorous scientific justification. We overload their innate ability to detoxify heavy metals. We compromise their immune systems by exposing them to foreign proteins and we create chronic inflammatory neuropathology by vaccinating them repeatedly in utero and after birth. When their detoxification systems collapse, we make a virtue of their imposed incapacitaties and create a myth of “natural selection” to make their cataclysmic neurological and physiological collapse seem like both a natural and a good thing.

Sorry. I am a physician using drug free methods to retrieve these folks. Not one of them has ever said, after being so assisted, “Gosh, Doc, what a hunter-gatherer I would have made!”

Instead, they talk about how lonely and despairing they have been and the pain of their autistic state before they were assisted out of it. Sorry. You can create all the rationalizations you like.

My career spans more than 4 decades. In 1970 1 child in 10,000 was autistic. Today the pandemic rages to incomprehensible numbers. Natural selection does not occur, retrograde, in 40 years.

If autists were the Hunter-Gatherer successes, they would have been better feeders, and therefore, better breeders so there would have been a selection pressure for them, not against them.

In summary, BALDERDASH!

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Med. Dir., Dr. Rima Institute
Trustee, Natural Solutions Foundation

The marvellous health of unvaccinated children

By Françoise Berthoud, MD
Posted by The Healthy Home Economist 

Once upon a time, in April 2009 to be exact, I was invited to give a speech at a conference on vaccination. I was to talk after two of the best speakers France has to offer on the subject had their turn, journalist Sylvie Simon and biologist Michel Georget. At hearing them speak in the past, it was absolutely clear to me that the best option is to stay as far away from vaccines as possible. I just did not know what to do instead to best assure staying alive and well. As a paediatrician and homeopath qualified to speak on the subject, I decided to setup a conference called The Marvellous Health of Unvaccinated Children along with my friends, Sylvie and Michel. This work would later evolve into a book that analyses various life choices often made by families that do not vaccinate, including home birth, breastfeeding, simple therapies, good food (often vegetarian), a tranquil living environment and trust in the capacity of the body to heal itself.

In my life as a paediatrician, I had spent lots of time in dialogue with the parents who often needed to voice their fears about both disease and vaccines. We worked out together the best route for their children. Some chose not to vaccinate at all. Others held onto fear of disease, especially tetanus. In those cases, we postponed vaccination as much as possible and used a homeopathic protection and “cleansing” called nosode.

I worked in Switzerland where there is no real legal obligation to vaccinate, only great social pressure. In France, just a few kilometres from my office, there were four compulsory vaccinations at the time (BCG was fortunately removed in 2007, and three remain: Di Te Pol).

Some of the basis of my ability to speak on the marvellous health of unvaccinated children comes from my personal experience as a medical doctor, having collected years of feedback.

“My child began coughing immediately after the vaccination.” 
“He has had constant ear aches since he was vaccinated.”
“My 16 years old daughter is completely unvaccinated. She is almost never sick. If she does get sick, it’s two days at the most.”
“The neighbour’s kids followed normal vaccination guidelines. They are constantly sick and on antibiotics.”
That was not enough upon which to write a book; however. As it would turn out, I found these observations were paralleled over and over again all over the world. Follow me around the planet.


In England, Michel Odent, MD showed in two studies that children having received no Pertussis vaccine had 5-6 times less asthma than those who were vaccinated for it. The first study was on 450 babies from La Leche League; the second one on 125 children in a Steiner school. (1)

Throughout Europe, a group of mostly paediatricians studied 14,893 children in Steiner schools in Austria, Germany, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland and found that children living in “anthroposophist culture” (where vaccination is largely shunned) were in better health than the controls. (2)

In Germany, one of the European Steiner schools study researchers wrote, “In the eastern part of Berlin before the fall of the wall, we saw less allergies than in the west. This population was poorer, nearer nature and less vaccinated.” Too much hygiene is not always good. As UK researcher and originator of the “hygiene hypothesis” David Strachan might say, “give us this day our daily germs”.

In Spain, Xavier Uriarte, MD and J. Manuel Marín, MD published a study in 1999 on 314 children they followed between 1975 to 2000. (3) This group of children is characterized by a majority of homebirth or natural births, prolonged breastfeeding, no vaccinations, holistic health education and no allopathic medicine. There were no serious diseases, few hospitalisations (mostly for traumas), and 3.3% asthma compared to the 20% in the general population. And of course, a lot of money was spared! 


The rate of autism in the U.S. is now an unthinkable 1 in 100. Those who are unvaccinated boast numbers that run in shocking contrast to the nation’s statistics. As this article is directed to the American people, I will not go on at length here. Most of you know the work of your very own journalist Dan Olmsted showing the incredible absence of autism in the unvaccinated Amish communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Further impressive is Chicago-based Homefirst Medical Clinic run by a group of doctors including medical director Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH. They have no known autism and super-scarce allergies in their children, many of whom were home deliveries, and most of whom have had no vaccinations. In 1985, I translated to French U.S. paediatrician Robert Mendelssohn, MD’s How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor. Now I find concrete result in the marvellous health of kids whose doctors are his pupils! I like these synchronicities in my life. 


In 1942, Leslie Owen Bailey, founder of the Natural Health Society of Australia, accepted guardianship of 85 children whose mothers were unable to care for them. Among these 85 children, no vaccinations were ever given, no drugs were ever taken or used, and no operations were ever performed. The only malady that occurred was when 34 of the children developed chicken pox. They were immediately put to bed and given only pure water or fresh fruit juice. They all recovered quickly without after-effects. Investigations revealed that these children whilst at school had been swapping their healthy lunches for unhealthy conventional foods, so this outbreak was not altogether surprising. 

Many of these children inherited poor health due to a history of illness and malnourishment in their mothers. Despite this, and the fact that they were never breastfed nor could enjoy the normal bonding of mother to child, they were able to grow into sturdy, self-reliant children. 


Two studies done in New Zealand in 1992 and 1995 show that the unvaccinated children clearly have less allergies, less otitis (ear aches), less tonsillitis, less running noses, less epilepsies and less ADHD. (4)


An interesting period in Japan was 1975-1980, when a decision was made to begin the first vaccinations at two years of age instead of at two months. The reason was that more and more was discovered linking vaccines and cot-death (SIDS). A study was published in Pediatrics showing that from 1970 to January 1975, there were 57 cases of serious vaccine reactions, including 37 deaths. From February 1975 to August 1981 there were eight cases of serious vaccine reactions, including three deaths. Unfortunately for kids and their parents, the Japanese vaccination plan is now “normalized” again. The study shows well that the immune system is stronger at two years than at two months. How well would these kids have done had they not been vaccinated at all? 

We find the same observation in a Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology study. Of 11,531 children studied at age seven, here are the results: vaccinated at two months, 13.8% are asthmatic, vaccinated between two and four months, 10.3%, vaccinated after four months, 5.9 %. Again, how well would these kids have done had they not been vaccinated at all?


As a concerned, compassionate and considerate paediatrician, I can only arrive at one conclusion. Unvaccinated children have by far the best chance of enjoying marvellous health. Any vaccination at all works to cripple the chances of this end. 


2) Allergic diseases and atopic sensitization in children related to farming and anthroposophic lifestyle – Persifal study. Allergy 2006, 61 (4) : 414-421.


Monday, 12 September 2011

Genetically modified HPV DNA found in Gardasil

Gardasil Vaccine Found to be Contaminated 

(Previous version of this notice stated that Merck had claimed no viral DNA in the Gardasil vaccine for "the last year." It has been corrected to read, "the last five years.")

Dear Canary Party members,

Please take a moment to read this press release from our friends at S.A.N.E. Vax. They tested 13 vials of the Gardasil vaccine, from six different countries, and found that all were contaminated with genetically modified HPV DNA. The vaccine maker Merck, has claimed for the last five years on the package insert that the vaccine contains NO viral DNA. That claim quietly disappeared from the insert this past April, with out any explanation, warning or notice being offered to the pubic.

This is especially important information to get into the public view, as California has just passed a law allowing children as young as 12 to be given the vaccine with out parents even knowing about it.

As you read, keep in mind that the National Institutes of Health holds a patent on the technology that makes the HPV vaccine possible, profiting off of every HPV vaccine sold, and what that might mean with respect to the Department of Health and Human Services taking appropriate action on all the emerging and glaring problems with the these vaccines.

Please read and pass on to your lists and contacts.

Gardasil victim found to have HPV DNA in her blood 2 Years Post-Vaccination
13 different vaccine vials – 13 different lots of Gardasil from around the world tested
Results – 100% contamination with HPV Recombinant DNA.

SANE Vax Inc. contracted with an independent lab to test for contamination and found HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) in 13 vaccine vials. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence of the genetically modified HPV DNA.

Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist at the Milford Hospital pathology laboratory well-known for using cutting-edge DNA sequencing for molecular diagnoses, was initially contracted to examine a single sample of Gardasil for possible contamination. This sample tested positive for recombinant HPV-11 and HPV-18 residues, both of which were firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant.

In a certified letter mailed to FDA Commissioner, Dr. Margaret Hamburg on August 29, 2011, SANE Vax Inc. requested ‘the FDA investigate the extent of the HPV DNA contamination in the Gardasil HPV4 vaccine currently on the market and take appropriate actions to ensure public safety regarding future shipments.’ 1.

Why Did SANE Vax Inc. Investigate Possible Gardasil Contamination? 

The mother of a sexually naïve adolescent girl who developed acute onset Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis within 24 hours of her last injection of the Gardasil™ series contacted SANE Vax Inc. looking for more information.

In an effort to help her now very sick daughter the mother went to an MD practicing naturopath who conducted a toxicity test that eventually found HPV DNA in the girl’s blood. The significance of this finding is that it is highly unusual to find HPV DNA in the blood. HPV, if present in the body, exists in the epithelial (skin and mucosa) membranes. HPV or its DNA, by itself does not survive for any great length of time in the bloodstream. Why was the HPV DNA in her bloodstream two years post-vaccination?

Natural vs. Recombinant DNA

According to Dr. Lee, “‘Natural HPV DNA does not remain in the bloodstream for very long. However, the HPV DNA in Gardasil™ is not ‘natural’ DNA. It is a recombinant HPV DNA (rDNA) – genetically engineered – to be inserted into yeast cells for VLP (virus-like-particle) protein production. rDNA is known to behave differently from natural DNA. It may enter a human cell, especially in an inflammatory lesion caused by the effects of the aluminum adjuvant, via poorly understood mechanisms.

“Once a segment of recombinant DNA is inserted into a human cell, the consequences are hard to predict. It may be in the cell temporarily or stay there forever, with or without causing a mutation. Now the host cell contains human DNA as well as genetically engineered viral DNA.”

What is a Recombinant DNA Virus?

Recombinant DNA (rDNA) refers to novel DNA molecules engineered by joining natural or synthetic DNA segments to other DNA molecules so that they can replicate in a living cell. The possibility for these replicable forms of DNA as uncertain toxic substance or as environmental hazard has been a concern since rDNA technology was invented in 1973. Thus, rDNA is considered a potential biohazard, and NIH has mandated that research institutions monitor and regulate its use.2.

All recombinant or genetically engineered DNAs are considered potential biohazards if injected intramuscularly into the body. Merck’s Gardasil™ HPV4 vaccine is administered intramuscularly – as are many other vaccines. However, Gardasil™ is the first vaccine found to be contaminated by a genetically engineered DNA used to manufacture virus-like particle proteins for the vaccine.

SANE Vax Inc. believes the FDA should have required Merck to test for, evaluate and quantify the risks of residual recombinant HPV DNA in Gardasil™ before granting approval for marketing the vaccine. SANE Vax Inc. believes the FDA should require every lot of Gardasil™ be tested for residual HPV DNA prior to shipment.

Gardasil Patient Product Insert Stated No Viral DNA’s in the Vaccine.

In fact, Merck’s Gardasil™ Patient Product Inserts stated that there is ‘no viral DNA’ in the Gardasil vaccine. That is until April 2011 – when the line was glaringly absent from U.S. product inserts. 3.

The European Medicines Agency on line literature still states: ‘Gardasil is an adjuvanted non-infectious recombinant quadrivalent vaccine prepared from the highly purified virus-like particles (VLP’s) of the major capsid L1 protein of HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18. The VLP’s contain no viral DNA; they cannot infect cells, reproduce or cause the disease.’ 4.

SANE Vax Inc.’s research found that 100% of the 13 samples tested were contaminated with viral HPV DNA residue, including a synthetic construct for HPV11 major capsid protein L1 gene, a recombinant DNA genetically engineered specifically for manufacturing of the Gardasil vaccine. All DNA residue discovered was firmly attached to the insoluble aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine, requiring a new protocol for detection.5

Dr. Lee firmly stated: “Based on medical literature and some of the FDA/Merck’s own publications, adventitious (coming from an outside source) DNA in an injectable protein-based vaccine may increase the risk of autoimmune disorders and gene mutation which may lead to malignancies.”

Merck, the FDA, CDC and the NCI Owe Medical Consumers Answers

SANE Vax Inc. wants to know how many adolescents who have suffered adverse reactions post Gardasil vaccination have HPV DNA in their blood. What are the medical ramifications should HPV DNA remain in the bloodstream for an extended period of time?

Does the aluminum adjuvant become the carrier for HPV DNA causing said DNA to remain in the blood and/or organs for an extended length of time?

Since viral DNA cannot replicate by itself (it needs a host cell) what happens if genetically engineered viral DNA enters a human host cell?

How will this now ‘genetically-engineered cell’ replicate? Will it mutate the host cell leading towards cancer?

How will genetically engineered cells affect the reproductive health of future generations?

How does the immune system react to the detection of a combination viral DNA and human DNA in what was once a ‘normal’ cell? Will the immune system fight the now genetically engineered human cell?

Medical consumers need to have these questions answered by Merck, the FDA, CDC, and NCI.

SANE Vax Inc.’s Position

SANE Vax Inc. believes the FDA and Merck should be transparent and tell medical consumers the potential health impacts the contaminant HPV DNA has brought upon the vaccinated children of the world. High rates of autoimmune disorders, 380 reports of abnormal pap tests, 137 reports of cervical dysplasia, and 41 reports of cervical cancer including Carcinoma in situ or Cervix carcinoma or Cervix carcinoma stage 0 or Cervix carcinoma stage I or Cervix carcinoma stage III 6 warrants an immediate investigation into Gardasil’s™ safety and efficacy.

SANE Vax Inc. believes the FDA and Merck should have tested, evaluated and quantified the risk of the residual recombinant HPV DNA in Gardasil™ before vaccine approval.

SANE Vax Inc. believes that both the FDA and Merck were at least negligent and perhaps fraudulent when claiming there was ‘no HPV (viral) DNA’ in the Gardasil™ vaccine.


The direct link to SANE Vax's press release is here. Please spread the word to your contacts and local media outlets.

Ginger Taylor, M.S.
Executive Director
Follow The Canary Party:

Remembering 9/11

Thursday, 8 September 2011

The many ways amalgam (mercury) fillings are destroying your health

By Dr Mercola

Dr. Dave Simone works with Consumers for Dental Choice to fight amalgam because he fully appreciates how deviating amalgam fillings can be to your health. Dental amalgam emits mercury vapor even after it is placed in your mouth. This mercury is bioaccumulative and endangers your health in many ways, which we'll review below.

I urge you to watch the interview I did with Dr. Simone in its entirety, or at least read through the transcript, as he covers far more than what this summary contains. For example, he explains how mercury actually inhibits its own elimination mechanism:

"[Y]ou make glutathione in the mitochondria of your cells. It's one of your 20 amino acids. Glutathione is your heavy metal detox amino acid. It grabs on to mercury, finds its way to your large intestine… you excrete mercury that way… [But] mercury inhibits the manufacturing of glutathione, so mercury stops its own elimination mechanism. [Hence] it bioaccumulates in your body. It also affects the Krebs cycle. So you're not producing ATP, your energy source."

For the rest of Dr Mercola's comment, please click on the link below: